
Weight Loss Program without exercise and diet control

Before jumping on this article I would highly recommend that you go through the previous 3 articles in this series. How to lose weight without exercise and diet control Simplifying the most complex machine – human body Understanding the calorie balance for a successful weight loss program If you have gone through the earlier article on Calorie Balance, you must have already understood that the only way one can lose is to go in negative balance. That simply means your calorie intake should be less that your calorie output. The…

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Understanding the calorie balance for a successful weight loss program

Before you start your own weight loss program its important to understand the calorie balance of human body. I presume that you have gone through the first article in this series –  How to lose weight without exercise and diet control? Questions like am I obese?, Do I need to lose weight?, What Is ideal weight for me?, Can I lose weight without diet control and exercise? etc. are addressed in the earlier article. We are now moving to understanding the basic metabolism of our own body so that you can design…

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cost of diabetes Diabetes 

डायबिटीज का बजट – कैसे कम करे इलाज पर होने वाला खर्च?

एक सही डॉक्टर की नियमित सलाह लेकर डायबिटीज रोगी भविष्य में आने वाली गंभीर बीमारियों से बच सकते है, सही वक्त पर सही दवा से आप बीमारी को तेजी से बढ़ने से रोक सकते है. साथ एक विशेषज्ञ डॉक्टर आपको हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया को पहचानने, उसका तुरंत इलाज करने, पैरो की देखभाल, मशीन द्वारा शुगर नापने इत्यादि जैसी आवश्यक बाते सिखा सकता है. डायबिटीज के बजट को नियंत्रित करने का सबसे बेहतर तरीका है सही डॉक्टर का चयन करना और अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति के बारे में डॉक्टर से खुल कर चर्चा करना.

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How to lose weight without exercise and diet control?

How to lose weight without exercise and diet control? Isn’t that the questions you have been searching for and being asked to buys some medicines, products or join a paid weight loss program? No. This is none of them. This is simply an effort to educate you about metabolism of your own body so that you can easily figure it out and lose weight easily without going for any exercise or dieting plans and without spending a penny.

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Does Diabetes Cause weight gain?

Does Diabetes cause weight gain? Does it cause weight loss? Do the drugs cause weight gain? These are common questions often asked by patients. Weight loss and weight gain are both seen in diabetic patients. Sometimes its related to the disease – Diabetes and sometimes its due to the drugs prescribed for treating diabetes. The purpose of this article is to explain mechanism causing weight loss or weight gain in a diabetic patient on or off antidiabetic drugs. Would start with weight loss first, under both these subheadings and then move…

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