
Why is #ShamelessAajTak trending on twitter?


Are you wondering why is #ShamelessAajTak trending on twitter? Yes I am one of those to be blamed for this. So here is the story how it started and why is #ShamelessAajTak trending on twitter. After my lunch at around 2:30 I was just going through my TL and found one such tweet, though I failed find the original one.

The title of this story shocked me. It’s just like reading a story in a reputed news paper entitled as “Anna Killed So and So?”. Read the whole article and it was a story based on some posters pasted by some unknown group of people. This is pathetic, the worst kind of journalism one can expect. Based on some poster can some responsible media put a story with an assertive title.

What impact would such titles have the readers. When Aaj Tak that claims itself as the No 1 hindi channel can fall to this level, it’s really high time people take them to task. I have had an article earlier on how these people manage to influence thoughts of common voters with such biassed titles. Do read that article here.

Aam Aadmi Party is the hope of millions of Indians for clean and fair politics – the alternative politics. What is its strength? – a few dedicated selfless volunteers. With a few donors and the small fund that it could collect, it dared the whos who of Indian politics in Delhi. The country witnessed the change – the era of alternative politics was about to begin. I wish the so-called fourth pillar of Democracy – the media played its role. Here is the story of how India lost an opportunity to establish alternative politics just because media failed to fulfil its responsibility. So I decided to write an article on role of media houses like Aaj Tak and asked my friends to give their inputs.

And here comes the first tweet that I could trace after this appeal.

And then my TL was flooded with tweets. I must apologise to all my friends. I promised you all that I would include your tweets in the article but this hour of the day #ShamelessAajTak has around 20K tweets. I am not even able to trace the earliest tweets that I had from you all. I am just putting a few relevant tweets that I could trace easily.

Here is again one of the cheap acts that you wont expect from any responsible media house. Aaj Tak tweeting about a survey being done by its sister concern. And guess what the question is “Do you hate Kejriwal and How much?” Hate Kejriwal? For what? Is he some rapist, murderer? Are their even allegations of corruption against him? Why should some one hate Kejriwal? Yes for sure those who are exposed by Kejrwial fearlessly should? But then is Aaj Tak doing a poll for them? This tweet by the so-called No 1 Hindi channels is a blot on Journalism.

Then people started questioning the integrity of Rahul Kanwal, one of the editors on Aaj Tak.


This one about Anjana Om Kashyap


And a few on Aaj Tak


People did question the stakeholders of Aaj Tak. Reportedly Birla Group has 27.5% stakes in Aaj Tak and the same group is the largest donor of BJP.


A few such funny stories that the channel decided to run



And then a lot of such vulgar tweets from Aaj Tak. Looking at the stories I really felt ashamed of the level Indian media has stooped today. During my college days even the Indian porn films didn’t have such vulgar titles that this media house has for the stories it runs.





There are numerous such stories that you can find on Aaj Tak. Isn’t it shameful on part of Aaj Tak to have such sensual stories and arousing titles just for cheap TRP? I really felt ashamed of this level kind of journalism by an Indian media house.

By this time I got this notification from Trendinalia. #ShamelessAajTak was on twitter trends.


Aam Aadmi Party supporters are known for their standard response to such malicious efforts – they start donating. And then came hundreds of tweets with their receipt of donation to AAP and a statement – I have donated to AAP and I am not from the underworld.

On social media there are millions of AAP supporters. They may not be organized but they are quite touchy about the last hope that they have. Every attempt to malign AAP gets such befitting reply. There is a lot to learn from the story of #MufflerMan.

I fully believe in the freedom of press and I am one of the last people who would raise questions on media. The great power that Indian media has comes with a great amount of responsibility. Media should report everything that’s wrong with Aam Aadmi Party but should refrain from falling to this level.

At the end my apologies to all those friends whose tweets I could not embed in this article and that’s purely because I just couldn’t handle these many tweets. Publishing this article just to fulfil the commitment that I made, though there is a lot more that I am missing in this one.


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